Negotiation and Design for the Self-Organizing City: Gaming as a method for Urban Design (2014) Ekim TanJorn BeltmanFebruary 9, 2021opencities, openprocess
ZEMCH: Toward the Delivery of Zero Energy Mass Custom Homes (2016) Masa NoguchiJorn BeltmanFebruary 9, 2021masshousing, masscustomization, energyefficient
Housing for the Millions (2000) Koos Bosma, N. John Habraken, SARJorn BeltmanFebruary 9, 2021openbuildings, historicalperspective
Circular and Flexible Infill Concepts: Integration of the Residential User Perspective (2019) Bob GeldermansJorn BeltmanFebruary 9, 2021openbuildings, userparticipation, adaptability
Reversible Building Design (2018) Elma DurmisevicJorn BeltmanFebruary 9, 2021openbuildings, adaptability, circularity
Circular Economy in Construction (2019) Elma DurmisevicJorn BeltmanFebruary 9, 2021openbuildings, adaptability, circularity
Transformable Building Structures: Design for Disassembly (2006) Elma DurmisevicJorn BeltmanFebruary 9, 2021openbuildings, theoretical, adaptability
Circular Buildings: een meetmethodiek voor losmaakbaarheid (2018) Alba ConceptsJorn BeltmanFebruary 9, 2021adaptability, technical, futureperspective
De Dragers en de Mensen: Het Einde van de Massawoningbouw (1961) N. John HabrakenJorn BeltmanFebruary 3, 2021openbuildings, masscustomization, userparticipation
Kader en Generieke Ruimte: Een Onderzoek naar de Veranderbare Woning op basis van het Permanente (2002) Bernard LeupenJorn BeltmanFebruary 2, 2021openbuildings, floorplan, dwellings, masshousing, masscustomization
New Wave in Building: A Flexible Way of Design, Construction and Real Estate Management (1992) Helga Fassbinder, Adri ProveniersJorn BeltmanFebruary 2, 2021opencities, economical
Supports: Housing and City (2009) N. John Habraken, Andres MignucciJorn BeltmanFebruary 2, 2021openbuildings, masshousing, masscustomization, userparticipation
Open Building for Resilient Cities (2018) Stephen KendallJorn BeltmanFebruary 2, 2021openbuildings, opencities
Open Building: An Approach to Sustainable Architecture (1999) Stephen KendallJorn BeltmanFebruary 2, 2021openbuildings, opensystems
Healthcare Architecture as Infrastructure: Open Building in Practice (2018) Stephen KendallJorn BeltmanFebruary 2, 2021opensystems
Residential Open Building (1999) Stephen Kendall, Jonathan TeicherJorn BeltmanFebruary 2, 2021opensystems, technical, practical
Open Ontwerpen (1993) Frans van der WerfJorn BeltmanFebruary 2, 2021openprocess, openbuildings, opensystems, opencities, adaptability
Loose-Fit Architecture: Designing Buildings for Change (2017) Alex LifschutzJorn BeltmanFebruary 2, 2021openbuildings, practical