For information about Open Building, the upcoming events or joining, please fill in the form below.

For more information about the projects shown on this website, please contact the founding partners.



Are you interested to become a partner of Do you want to share your knowledge (and experience) about Open Building and the projects you have realized? Do you want to invest time and energy into research - together with the other Founding Partners and the Open Building Academy - to provide a solid foundation for radical change in the building industry, toward circular and resilient cities? Please send us an e-mail with your motivation, or contact one of our Founding Partners directly.

As a Partner you will be able to publish your work on this site (as a case study, article or essay) and talk on our events. You will be in the centre of a growing network of developers, policy makers, architects, engineers and builders. You will have first-hand and in-depth information about the research that has been and is conducted within the group of partners and within the Open Building Academy. Partners pay an initial contribution.


We welcome parties from the building industry (and related industries) to support the activities of and find exposure within our growing group of ambitious architects and engineers. It is possible to be the sponsor of one of our events, of this website and of forthcoming publications. After sending an e-mail by using the form below, we will contact you and discuss the possibilities.


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Please read this section carefully. (hereinafter ‘’ or ‘we’) respects the privacy of all users of its website. We treat all personal information with due care and confidentiality. We abide by the law in all matters, more specifically by the GDPR and the WBP (Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens). In general, is responsible for the processing of your personal information. In a privacy statement we explain how user data is collected, used, and managed and how your privacy and personal information will be protected. The full privacy statement will be sent to you on request.